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Coming Full Circle February 2, 2021

Filed under: writing — theridingwriter @ 7:11 pm

Way, way back in 1997, I was trying to figure out what the next step was going to be in my professional life. I was reading the current issue of Practical Horseman. (I had been a subscriber since I was a young girl.) It occurred to me that I could write horse articles for magazines. Writing was the one thing that always came easily to me. Even though I had no formal training, I decided I was going to start freelancing. This being pre-Google times, I bought a book on how to write for magazines and did what they said. My first published piece was a personal story about a food allergy for a newsletter. I was paid $10.

More than 20 years later, I’ve written and hundreds of magazine articles, two illustrated children’s books, the forward for a non-fiction book, and a myriad of digital content.

In an example of how things come full circle, in January, 2021 I took the latest step in my career. I was named the content director for Practical Horseman and Dressage Today. I am now employed by the magazine that gave me the idea for my future career.

I have started working with Dressage Today’s Video on Demand service, their website, social media, and podcast as well as helping with Practical Horseman’s print and digital content. This job brings together my education, professional experience, and personal horse ownership and riding pursuits. It’s a lot of work, but I’m so excited to be on this new journey.

I will continue to blog here, but I will also be adding my posts on Dressage Today’s website. Feel free to check me out there.


3 Responses to “Coming Full Circle”

  1. Debra Says:

    What a wonderful “circle” you have been on. I’m very proud of you!

  2. lawsonw2017lawsonw Says:

    Hi Stephanie,

    So very good to hear about your new position.

    Best of luck and may you prosper.



  3. Margaret Lundy Says:

    Hi Steph,
    I’m excited for your new venture. You will do well, you always do! Best, Margaret

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